Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Sticky Situation

We had a good night at work last night. Lots of laughing and joking around. About an hour before our shift ended we hear a shout from the end of the line. Victoria yells "I'm stuck to my chair, I can't get out of my chair!" Everyone is looking around totally confused. After about 5 minutes she works her self free of the chair. She walks to the front of the line, bends over and says "Look at this! I have a quite pack on my butt!". Sure enough she has 2 quite packs stuck right where both her legs meet her butt. A quite pack is a piece of flexible metal with really sticky stuff on it. It goes on different parts of the dryer to may it vibrate less. They were curled back on the sides so they stuck together.

So I ask V if she would like help getting it off her butt. I take hold of the piece of metal and start pulling. Only the one came off. So I grab hold of the other one. It's a little more stubborn. V Braces herself while I'm yanking on her butt. It suddenly comes free and I fly back. I looked at the metal and the sticky stuff was almost all gone. It was still stuck to her butt. We were all laughing so hard that I had to hide my face and lean on something for support. I hadn't seen anything so funny a long time.

Even though we all got a good laugh about it I felt bad because those were V's favorite jeans.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Truck

I can tell you now that I'm about to start a blog just about my adventures with my dad's truck. Well after I ran out of gas. I hadn't driven the truck the rest of the weekend. So last night I drove the truck to work everything was great. I pull in to a parking spot but change my mind cause Dan would kill me if someone hit the truck or I hit someone. So I picked a spot in the farthest corner of the parking lot with the least amount of turning to get back out and went inside. After work I came out and went to start the truck and the battery is DEAD! 20 minutes later 2 maintenance workers come out with a little machine to jump it. It doesn't work so they go back in and come back 30 minutes later with a cart carrying a bigger charger and and also a weld truck with a generator on the back. They hook up both batteries and and off I go. Well on the way home I notice this piece of metal flopping around on the top of the tail gate and no car wants to be with in 500 ft of me. I was praying it wouldn't fly off and hit another car all the way home. I get home and get Spencer ready to go to the sitter and run back out to the truck and leave. About half way there I notice the metal is gone! On my way home I'm thinking about it flying off and crashing though somebodies window when I see the flashing lights of a State Trooper on the side of the road. He didn't have anybody pulled over so I kept driving, searching the sides of the road for the metal. I got home without finding it. I got out, plugged in the truck and walked around the back hoping that it was in the back of the truck. I look in the back and laying there is the metal strip safely in the bed of the truck.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Spencer's First Picture's

Today I am taking Spencer to have his first pictures done. I already know it's going to be tough since I'm starting the day shaving his head and a bath. I let you know how it goes.

The Next Day.

OK well Jon and I got Spencer's head shaved with a few wimpers but otherwise uneventful. We left the house at 1 to go get Spencer's dad and then take him to get his pictures. Well we only got about half way there when the truck starts to sputter. I thought to myself on no not now. I have both my kids with me, no phone, it's about 40 degrees outside and we are in the country. The situation is not good.

I look at the gas gauge it says i have just under a quarter tank left. So I don't know what's going and with a big cloud of black smoke and one final sputter the truck was dead and I'm trying to coast a Dodge Ram Diesel truck to the side of the road. I'm stuck the nearest house is about a half mile up a very busy road with no sidewalks only a ditch. It would be impossible to get Carolyn and Spencer to the house and I can't leave them in the truck while I go so we sit there and hope someone will stop and ask if I need help. We sit there for 15 minutes when I think I see Katie's car in my mirror. It is Katie, she was on her way to the store. She calls a friend and asks what to do. He says you don't run a Diesel out of gas. The thing was the gas gauge was off by about a quarter tank and I didn't know. So Katie goes to get gas and her friend comes and to help get the truck started. 4 and a half hours, 5 adults, 3 children, 3 phone calls saying you don't run a diesel run out of gas, and a state trooper later the truck is started, we have missed Spencer's appointment and everybody smelled like gas. I guess someone was telling me I didn't need to spend the money on pictures!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Spencer's First Fig Newton!-click here for more photos

Over the last 2 weeks Spencer has graduated from baby food to real people food. Upon graduating he refuses to eat baby food so I am constantly trying new thing for him. So far it's been waffles and Lucky Charms. You should see him bash some Lucky Charms. Everything else has been a ho hum reaction. So last night I went to the store and bought a bunch of those microwave pasta bowels, Goldfish, Ritz Crackers, and the always favorite Fig Newtons.

So for lunch today Spence had Spaghetti with a Fig Newton for dessert. With every bite of spaghetti Spencer's smile got wide. And as the tomato sauce ring grew bigger around him mouth his laugh got louder. I hadn't seen him like anything so much. He had spaghetti hanging from his mouth as he laughed at me laugh at him. I was laughing so hard at his joyful giggles. Then it was over and he was done eating. So I went to the kitchen to clean the tomato sauce from my feet and clothes. When I came back a brought his Fig Newton.

When I handed it to him he looked at me like he couldn't believe I was trying to give him this pastie squishy thing. But he was going to try it anyway. He bravely took his first little nibble. He's face screwed up like it was the worst thing he ever had in his short life. THEN all of the sudden his eyes grew wide and he looked at me then at the Fig Newton. Then he looked at me again and shoved the whole thing in his mouth! I didn't know his mouth was that big!

I rushed over the top of a chair my finger diving in his mouth to dig it out. I got the cookie and he looked at me the tears beginning to well up in his eyes. I quickly took a little piece of the newton and put it in his mouth with that it was all better. He got his Fig Newton. Man you just got to love him.