Monday, January 5, 2009

The Truck

I can tell you now that I'm about to start a blog just about my adventures with my dad's truck. Well after I ran out of gas. I hadn't driven the truck the rest of the weekend. So last night I drove the truck to work everything was great. I pull in to a parking spot but change my mind cause Dan would kill me if someone hit the truck or I hit someone. So I picked a spot in the farthest corner of the parking lot with the least amount of turning to get back out and went inside. After work I came out and went to start the truck and the battery is DEAD! 20 minutes later 2 maintenance workers come out with a little machine to jump it. It doesn't work so they go back in and come back 30 minutes later with a cart carrying a bigger charger and and also a weld truck with a generator on the back. They hook up both batteries and and off I go. Well on the way home I notice this piece of metal flopping around on the top of the tail gate and no car wants to be with in 500 ft of me. I was praying it wouldn't fly off and hit another car all the way home. I get home and get Spencer ready to go to the sitter and run back out to the truck and leave. About half way there I notice the metal is gone! On my way home I'm thinking about it flying off and crashing though somebodies window when I see the flashing lights of a State Trooper on the side of the road. He didn't have anybody pulled over so I kept driving, searching the sides of the road for the metal. I got home without finding it. I got out, plugged in the truck and walked around the back hoping that it was in the back of the truck. I look in the back and laying there is the metal strip safely in the bed of the truck.

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